About Us
KEYLINK Radio is a premier radio trunking service established in Pakistan on a commercial basis for clients needing secure and reliable communications within a closed group. We are licensed by the Pakistani Telecommunication Authority to operate all over Pakistan currently providing services in Islamabad.
Presently most users of wireless communications in Pakistan are dependent on VHF walkie-talkie sets which are normally limited to single channel operations and group communications only. Realizing the severe limitations of the conventional systems, our clients have turned towards truly trunked radio communications, elimination of security breaches, misuse and greater reliability.
Globally, police departments, security agencies and corporate wireless communications have moved away from conventional VHF systems towards radio trunking which provides them the required secure communications capability and open architecture on the MPT 1327 standards.
Presently most users of wireless communications in Pakistan are dependent on VHF walkie-talkie sets which are normally limited to single channel operations and group communications only. Realizing the severe limitations of the conventional systems, our clients have turned towards truly trunked radio communications, elimination of security breaches, misuse and greater reliability.
Globally, police departments, security agencies and corporate wireless communications have moved away from conventional VHF systems towards radio trunking which provides them the required secure communications capability and open architecture on the MPT 1327 standards.